This function can only be performed by the Academic Unit SRTE Representative. If you need access to create or assign SRTEs to courses in your area, please contact your SRTE Representative to discuss your access needs.
Under the Course Evaluation Management header, select the User Access Manager option from your SRTE My Page.
Enter an active UserID (e.g., ABC123) in the Search by PSU AccessID field.
In this exercise, you are the AA SRTE Rep and you've been asked to grant ABC123 access to AA AA A ED and AA AB All Course Designations. Click on the + icon for AA AA to reveal the available course designations. Click on the box beside A ED and the one beside AB. Then select the Update button.
The result will look like this:
You'll notice that the user has partial access to AA AA and access to all course designations for AA AB—selecting the box beside A ED gave the user access to only that area, while selecting the box beside AB gave the user access to all course designations within AB.
The Access Legend is helpful in determining what kind of access the user has and whether you can change it.